
Friday Oct 04, 2019
Folklore of the Universe- Episode 22: Animal Shenanigans
Friday Oct 04, 2019
Friday Oct 04, 2019
In this episode, we look at an Iberian Monster of the Week, The Santa Compaña, a Hawaiian story: Battle of the Owls, and an Ethiopian story: The Cunning Fox. Come learn about ghost morality, why you should respect owls, and which alpha-predators it's ok to make fun of.
Contact me at: contactkyleshort@gmail.com
Music by Kevin MacLeod

Friday Sep 20, 2019
Folklore of the Universe- Episode 21: Autumn Special
Friday Sep 20, 2019
Friday Sep 20, 2019
For the Autumn Equinox, I'm taking a special look at some harvest traditions, a harvest related monster of the week: Corn Dolly's, as well as a (vaguely) harvest related Irish story: The Field of Boliauns. Come learn how to keep all your plants from dying, and how to address a Leprechaun who's out partying.
Contact me at: contactkyleshort@gmail.com
Music by Kevin MacLeod

Friday Sep 06, 2019
Folklore of the Universe- Episode 20: Bigger, Better, and Breadier
Friday Sep 06, 2019
Friday Sep 06, 2019
In this episode I start making upgrades to the show! We also look at an Estonian monster of the week: The Kratt, and then go into a Grimm's fairy tale: The Water of Life, and an Irish one: The Doctor's Fetch. Come enjoy the new 'quality' and also learn how to stop the robot uprising, why people who get free stuff are good people, and why you shouldn't keep a mirror in your room
Contact me at: contactkyleshort@gmail.com
Music by Kevin MacLeod

Friday Aug 23, 2019
Folklore of the Universe- Episode 19: Interlude
Friday Aug 23, 2019
Friday Aug 23, 2019
In this short episode I use up the last of my free hosting. The monster of the week is the Haakapainizi from Kawaiisu folklore. I also look at two short Irish stories, The Black Dog and The Black Steed. Come learn why grasshoppers are so noisy, why you should convince people you're evil, and why we need socialized magic.
Contact me at contactkyleshort@gmail.com
Find me on Youtube at Kyle Short
Music by Kevin MacLeod.

Friday Aug 09, 2019
Folklore of the Universe- Episode 18: Wish for Winter
Friday Aug 09, 2019
Friday Aug 09, 2019
In this episode I try and pretend that it isn't a billion degrees outside and focus on stories from nice cold snowy places. The monster of the week is the Slavic Leshy, and we also look at an Inuit story: The Girl Who Married an Atliarusek, and a Siberian one: How the Sun was Rescued. Come learn why chopping trees is bad, why you should marry your kids to magical beings, and how committees will save the world. Music by Kevin MacLeod.

Friday Jul 26, 2019
Folklore of the Universe- Episode 17: Dream Stories
Friday Jul 26, 2019
Friday Jul 26, 2019
In this episode we look at the Australian monster the Yara-ma-yha-who, then look at a Maasai story, The Origin of Death, and an Iranian story: The Shepherd Who Found a Treasure. Come learn why you should NOT get eaten by the Australian wildlife, why it's good to participate in spelling bees, and why you should listen to your friends DnD stories. Music by Kevin MacLeod.

Friday Jul 12, 2019
Folklore of the Universe- Episode 16: Bats and Bat-Like Creatures
Friday Jul 12, 2019
Friday Jul 12, 2019
In this episode we look at a Philippine demon: the WakWak, and we cover a Nigerian story: Why the Bat Flies by Night, and an Indian one: The Mongoose and the Brahman's wife. Come learn why you can't trust your ears, why we need to combat anti-bat propaganda, and why Mongeese need lawyers. Music by Kevin MacLeod.

Friday Jun 28, 2019
Folklore of the Universe- Episode 15: Childcare
Friday Jun 28, 2019
Friday Jun 28, 2019
This week we go back to full length episodes! (But not really) We also have the Pooka as our monster of the week, and look at a Tlingit story: How Raven Stole the Sun. Come learn why you should take a Taxi home, and why you should be nice to Ravens. Music by Kevin MacLeod.

Friday Jun 14, 2019
Folklore of the Universe- Episode 14: Basics of River Geography
Friday Jun 14, 2019
Friday Jun 14, 2019
In the last of the shorter episodes, we cover the Cornish Knocker as our Monster of the Week, and a Russian story: The Two Rivers. Come learn why its good to leave food lying around, and why rivers do the things they do. Music by Kevin MacLeod.

Friday May 31, 2019
Folklore of the Universe- Episode 13: The Cursed Episode
Friday May 31, 2019
Friday May 31, 2019
In this probably not unlucky episode we look at some various animals blamed for bad luck, and cover a Chinese story: The Favorite of Fortune, and Child of Ill Luck. Come learn which animals are evil, and why eighteen is the ideal number of dragons to have. Music by Kevin MacLeod.